How to Know When You Need San Diego, CA, Substance Abuse Rehab

If you're struggling with addiction, you have a good chance of losing everything, and it can happen very quickly. The first sign is withdrawal symptoms. Without substances, you feel sick, and you can’t function very well. Your drug of choice controls how you feel and what you're able to do. This is the first sign that you need help. Harrison Institute and our drug rehab center in San Diego, California can help.

Many clients at our San Diego addiction recovery center delay treatment because they think they can stop whenever they want to. The problem is that they start using again within weeks, days, or hours.

How Our San Diego Addiction Recovery Facility Can Help

You will be safely weaned off substances in our San Diego drug detox clinic under professional supervision. Detox is the period in which your body rids itself of the chemical dependency. This will lead to some unpleasant symptoms, which is why our professional addiction specialists keep an eye on you to ensure that your detox is as safe and comfortable as it is efficient.

We will conduct a thorough assessment to formulate a unique treatment plan geared to your needs. This will ensure that you receive the kind of addiction recovery treatment that's most effective for you. A customized and comprehensive treatment regimen is perhaps the most important aspect of a drug addiction treatment.

Another helpful technique is screening for dual diagnosis. Almost half of people with an addiction also have a mental health disorder underlying their substance use disorder. Whatever ails you, the root of the problem will be identified and addressed accordingly.

Our San Diego drug addiction treatment facility is a safe, comfortable and stress-free environment where you can focus on your treatment, healing, and recovery. You can explore deep-seated issues of trauma and abuse that are often linked to addiction. Sharing about these experiences with peers in a group setting fosters a strong spirit of support and connection among our clients because everyone is pursuing a common goal.

We offer relapse prevention training to equip you with tools to confront triggers that make you want to use. We can help you to avoid situations where you feel pressured to pick up and teach you relapse prevention strategies to implement before getting high.

You'll receive a detailed aftercare plan tailored to your needs after discharge from our drug rehab facility. Aftercare may include outpatient treatment, group therapy, and individual counseling.

Maintaining sobriety after discharge usually involves ongoing participation in San Diego addiction support groups. Recovery from addiction is a lifelong process. Clients who build strong relationships with other people in recovery are more likely to stay sober than those who go it alone.

You don’t have to go it alone. Call Harrison Institute to set up a consultation at one of addiction treatment clinics today.